910.00 a

Description: Today I Lived, which is a derivative of Today I Learn, and Hodie Vixi, which is a Latinized version of it. May I live today without regretting yesterday..

#900#Life_Lessons#910#Self_Discoveries#910.00#Approach_to_Life#910.00 a#Hodie_Vixi(Today_I_Lived)

Hodie Vixi(Today I Lived)



People who are curious about the author's attitude toward life


The content begins with a co-worker who was considering a job change. Suddenly, I felt thankful for my coworker, a feeling I hadn't recognized on an ordinary day. So, I started to express that gratitude explicitly.

The phrase evolved from "Today I Learned" to "Today I Lived." Literally.
I decided to change it to Latin and memorize it, as it has the opposite meaning to the death of Memento Mori that I saw in Steve Jobs' autobiography


Today I Learned -> Today I Lived
memento mori (Death)<-> (Birth) Hodie Vixi


Literally, you lived today. You didn't die by like an accident or a disaster something, met people, did something, or sometimes did nothing, which might be the happiest state. Because doing nothing sounds like you are on vacation.