810.00 a

Description: This bookscategory cover about especially covers Admin Commands and basic command or interfaces that is minecraft domain knowledge..

#800#Anythings#810#Game#810.00#Minecraft#810.00 a#Minecraft_Commands

Hot Key

Screen shot Hot key -> F2

My information position etc. -> F3

Simple Level

give admin authoraizaiton

/op <username>

change time

/time set day
/time set <0~24000>
6000 midday
18000 midnigt

change weather and duration (1 = 1seconds)

/weather rain 600

Fill some block(can make to empty)

/fill <x1> minecraft:air hollow`
can change block types , and can change some fill types like replace, destroy

fix day and night cycle

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false

Dynamic Level

move to someone to where

/tp @p <x> <y> <Z>
@p your position

Execute Minecraft server

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar <server.jar> nogui

Some error
Unreachable Minecraft Server on AWS servers
I keep getting session errors, i try from my local server to public ec2 ip4
I tried everything to server.properties. but black is answer... and I found the answer in the actual Mark Knowledge Base

He said "when Onlie-mode:true , if you software pirate you will be logout"
So my session is server block me because i'm not legal user.
So i restart launcher from local, and i got success

`[15:03:34] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1dd1356taf[id=,name=playername,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Disconnected