720.20 c

Description: "Triplane Meets Gaussian Splatting" introduces an efficient 3D reconstruction method from single images using transformer-based networks for rapid feed-forward inference. The approach combines a point decoder and a triplane decoder, leveraging a hybrid Triplane-Gaussian representation for fast rendering and high-quality results. This hybrid design outperforms existing methods in speed and quality by balancing between implicit and explicit 3D representatio.

#700#Research_Paper#720#Computer_Vision#720.20#3D_Reconstruction#720.20 c#Triplane_Meets_Gaussian_Splatting:_Fast_and_Generalizable_Single-View_3D_Reconstruction_with_Transformers

Output: 3D
Type: .splat
Input: Image
Code: https://github.com/VAST-AI-Research/TriplaneGaussian
Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/VAST-AI/TriplaneGaussian
논문: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.09147

매우빠름 A10G 기준 한 30초 되는듯.

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