720.00 a

Description: DreamGaussian is a rapid 3D content generation framework that uses Gaussian splatting for efficient and high-quality textured mesh creation. It delivers results 10 times faster than existing methods, generating meshes in just 2 minutes from a single-view image..

#700#Research_Paper#720#Computer_Vision#720.00#3D_Generation#720.00 a#DREAMGAUSSIAN:_GENERATIVE_GAUSSIAN_SPLATTING_FOR_EFFICIENT_3D_CONTENT_CREATION

Output: 3D
Type: .glb
Input: Prompt
Code: https://github.com/dreamgaussian/dreamgaussian
Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/jiawei011/dreamgaussian
논문: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.16653

그래픽카드 A10G 기준 170초정도

생성 오브젝트 이미지 (앞 뒤 옆)

