620.20 a
Description: This is a simple shell script for checking max gpu usage and taken time. The key function is nvida-smi. This function provide many information. parsing it you can save gpu usage and taken time by file.
#600#ML_Libraries_and_Implementation#620#Data_visualization#620.20#Script#620.20 a#Shell_Scirpt_For_visualize_GPU_usage
Record Gpu max and taken time script
log_file="${subject}_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').log" # Log file for the whole day
process_pattern="scripts/sampling/" # Unique pattern in your process command
while true; do
# Get individual GPU usages
individual_usages=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv,noheader,nounits | awk '{print $1" MiB"}' | paste -sd ", ")
# Sum of all GPU usages
usage=$(echo $individual_usages | tr -d ' MiB' | awk '{split($0,a,", "); sum=0; for(i in a) sum+=a[i]; print sum}')
# Update the max usage if the current sum is greater
if [ "$usage" -gt "$max" ]; then
# Define your message
current_time=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') # Update current time in each loop
message="Current usage: $individual_usages, Max usage: $max MiB, subject: ${subject}, Time: $current_time"
# Display the message
echo "$message"
# Append the message to the day's log file
echo "$message" >> "$log_file"
######## Record Taken time######
# Check if a process matching the pattern is running
if pgrep -f "$process_pattern" > /dev/null; then
if [ $start_time -eq 0 ]; then
start_time=$(date +%s) # Record start time when process is first found
if [ $found_process -eq 1 ]; then
end_time=$(date +%s) # Record end time when process no longer found
elapsed=$((end_time - start_time))
# Record the final log with total time and max GPU usage
echo "####################################################" >> "$log_file"
echo "Time taken by process with pattern '$process_pattern': $elapsed seconds, Max usage: $max MiB" >> "$log_file"
break # Exit the loop since the process has finished
sleep 5 # Adjust the sleep time as