110.10 d

Description: This article covers how to trouble shooting ingress error when you start first setting by using helm in aws with eks. If you can't access domain even though Pods and svc and deployments are installed, check ingress and If so, specify the subnet.

#100#Infra#110#DevOps_Engineer_Infra#110.10#Kubernetes#110.10 d#Helm_Argocd_Ingress_trouble_shooting_AWS_EKS

external dns에, AWS LoadBalancer에 Argocd에 ingress 까지 설치가 됐는데도 작동안해서 해결과정
먼저 Route53, ALB생성여부 확인->생성이 안됨
kubectl get deployments -Akubectl get svc -A 를 통해 네트워크 리소스들 제대로 떳는지 확인-> 제대로떠있음
chatgpt 추천에 따라 ingress확인 kubectl describe ingress argocd-ingress -n argocd-> 가능한 서브넷이 없다는 에러발견

  Type     Reason            Age                  From     Message
  ----     ------            ----                 ----     -------
  Warning  FailedBuildModel  94s (x17 over 7m4s)  ingress  Failed build model due to couldn't auto-discover subnets: unable to resolve at least one subnet (0 match VPC and tags: [kubernetes.io/role/elb])

ingress.yaml에 subnet 지정해주어서 해결

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: argocd-ingress
  namespace: argocd
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/subnets: "subnet-00000000, subnet-1111111, subnet-2222222222"