110.10 a

Description: An automated script to install KOPS. Written by the library director.

#100#Infra#110#DevOps_Engineer_Infra#110.10#Kubernetes#110.10 a#Kops_script_for_installing_GitLab


# helm repo update and fetch
kubectl create ns gitlab
helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io/
helm repo update
helm fetch gitlab/gitlab --untar --version major.minor.patch

# after edit value.yaml file or git clone it

# helm install
helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab -f ~/gitlab/values.yaml --namespace gitlab --version major.minor.partch

# check root user password
kubectl get secrets -n gitlab gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -d

# delete GitLab
helm uninstall -n gitlab gitlab
kubectl delete pvc --all -n gitlab
kubectl delete ns gitlab

# Delete Resources
kops delete cluster --yes && aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name mykops