020.00 b

Description: This article covers interesting version management that name is header from LY cooperation. The interesting part seems to be the division between automation and manualization.

#000#IT_Knowledge#020#Operation_Knowledge#020.00#Versioning#020.00 b#headver

All information sources are from this repository.


It says; the 3rd public release, at around the 24th week of 2019, from build 59.

a version specification that has {head}.{yearweek}.{build} system.

The name HeadVer stands for "only head number is enough to maintain!" because it only allows to set the first number manually, and rest numbers are automatic. It simplifies x.y.z versioning and gurantees incremental version stamping on top of various versioning scripts introduced in this repository. HeadVer versioning system is battle-tested on the 40+ app/web services.