020.00 a

Description: This areticle about Versioning Strategy. especially of muphy version. A specialized approach for my case. Use this opportunity to think about what you need and how to implement bugging.

#000#IT_Knowledge#020#Operation_Knowledge#020.00#Versioning#020.00 a#My_own_Versioning_Strategy


The judgment is based on the Impact

Major: The change creates a new process that may not work with the old process and requires significant consideration. Set version criteria more granularly
Keep major, which generally means not backwards compatible, intact

Minor: The change affects current processes and will require attention in the future. Minors are listed as feature additions. File creation, module additions, etc.
However, some minors may be incompatible. Because they don't mean exactly the same thing

Patch: The change is minimal or don't require much attention after the change. especially Patches are improvements such as variable names, bug fixes, refactorings, etc.

The judgment is based on the the specific context or category

LB: Updates or changes to Libraries'hompage (such as files,policies)
PY: For modifications to Python code
FE: Content related to frontend technologies, such as CSS, plugins, etc.
OB: Modifications specific to the Obisidian solution (such as the Dataview plugin, Digital Garden plugin, and Markdown grammar)